Published on
October 4, 2016

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Salesforce Meets AI: The Platform Of The Future

I was in high school when the movie "Artificial Intelligence" was released. I got so curious after watching the film, that I asked myself a question "Let us assume, that eventually, AI will become the reality; how will the world change for me at that time?" I used to think that AI would someday become a necessity for day-to-day operations. At that point, it was more of a fascination, a part of science fiction for me.

Flash forward 15 years, and now we see a paradigm shift in technology. We see bots helping in complex operations, flying drones, self-driving cars, and managing small day-to-day tasks. The Rise of the Bots has radically challenged how enterprises operate. With the rapid change in technology, it is imperative for the enterprise to keep innovating, and there are different definitions about what should be called true innovation. Despite superficial differences, the opulence of various technology platforms makes it confusing for the enterprise to choose the right platform out of many platforms available in the market. The Cloud was something of a technology marvel devised by Salesforce, but it got counterfeited by copy cats.

Now the world's biggest Cloud company,

Salesforce, is bringing the power of AI to the enterprises in the form of their new product Salesforce Einstein.  

Salesforce Einstein is the first complete end-to-end Artificial Intelligence platform for Sales, Service, Marketing, IoT, Partner Communities, and App Cloud.

Salesforce Einstein will leverage Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Smart Discovery, Predictive Analytics, and Natural Process Learning to help enterprises gain better control over their sales and marketing operations.

With Salesforce Einstein, enterprises can now study their historical data and apply what they learn to their business strategies to make predictions. The major features of the platform will be Predictive Lead Scoring, Activity Intelligence, and Predictive analytics. With sales processes and client behavior changing at such a fast pace, it becomes imperative to automatically capture the customer data and predict the next steps, prioritize the most important leads, and determine the client engagement.

Salesforce Einstein will empower the majority of Clouds of Salesforce Platform. Marketing Cloud Einstein will help marketers build better customer journeys. Sales Cloud Einstein will help the sales team focus on the best leads. Service Cloud Einstein will contribute to predicting the future service needs  thereby preventing unpreparedness from embracing imminent needs in the first place. App Cloud Einstein and IoT Einstein will help companies build intelligent apps, which will keep learning the data feeds and help companies in making crucial decisions with the help of predictive analytics.

The biggest challenge with any AI platform is security, but Salesforce Einstein works on the same eight principles that govern Salesforce ecosystem: Customer Success, Trusted Cloud, Cloud Leader, Meta Data Platform, Multi-tenant platform, Fast App Development, Open ecosystem, and complete CRM. Customers can review their platform security at Salesforce will officially launch Einstein in their Annual Conference; Dreamforce, on October 4th. We, at AppShark, are excited about all the possibilities the launch of Einstein will bring for the businesses.

We are proud to be associated with Salesforce as a Consulting and a Product Development Partner to help clients run their entire business on Salesforce with our Implementation, Integration, Administration, Support and Development Services.

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