Salesforce Sales Cloud

Accelerate your deal closures with automated sales processes and workflows
Sales cloud
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Salesforce Sales Cloud offers AI-driven, cloud-based solutions tailored to empower enterprises in optimizing sales processes, from managing Leads and Opportunities to handling Quotes, all while enhancing customer interactions to maximize business opportunities.

Appshark's Expertise

With a team of certified consultants specializing in Sales Cloud Implementations, AppShark guides sales leaders of global enterprises to achieve their goals by investing in Salesforce. Our aim is to deliver on-time, on-budget solutions that elevate productivity and drive profitability for your business.

We accredit marketing leaders to harness the potential of Sales Cloud, driving optimal ROI through our technical expertise. One of our best practices includes leveraging Einstein-driven insights for Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunities.

Our Sales Cloud Implementation Services:

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Help you to target revenue growth with sales process automation.
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Enable you to adopt AI for deal insights and sales forecasts.
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Configure pipeline management utilizing Salesforce's best practices – Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Activities, and opportunities.
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Configure Lead management powered by Lead Insights and Lead Scoring to track based on their characteristics, behaviors, and interactions, helping sales teams prioritize their efforts.

Explore Salesforce's AI-powered Sales Cloud Features

Alongside delivering the customization, and integration processes, AppShark’s team of experts helps you streamline and optimize your sales processes with the power of AI.  From automating lead prioritization to providing predictive insights, we leverage Salesforce Sales Cloud AI Features to empower enterprises to make smarter decisions and drive sales success.

Let's explore how Salesforce leverages AI to enhance lead management, sales forecasting, customer engagement, and more.

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Leverage Einstein Lead Scoring to enhance your sales team's efficiency and accuracy. This method prioritizes your leads based on their similarity to past successful conversions in lead management within Salesforce.
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Deploy Einstein Opportunity scoring to assign scores to opportunities and assist the sales team with insights into factors affecting the likelihood of winning.
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Utilize Einstein Forecasting AI to receive accurate sales forecasts. By analyzing past sales data, current pipeline dynamics, and external factors, it generates forecasts with greater precision.
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Set up contract approval with an approval process within Salesforce.
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Configure accurate sales forecast management, track accurate data and top deals, and drive predictable growth.
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Configure pipeline management, helping clients use AI to track important deals in a single consolidated view.
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Introduce out-of-the-box reporting tools to derive reports and dashboards.
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Accelerate productivity with automation – Salesforce flows, triggers, and notifications.
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Build Reports and Dashboards to collect the right information, closely track progress, and make better decisions.
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Outline the training necessary to get your team up-to-speed on the system usage and adoption.
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Help customers configure lead tracking mechanisms from the website and inbound lead management.
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Integrate Sales Cloud and Marketing Cloud using Marketing Cloud Connect.