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September 29, 2021

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Benefits of Salesforce Integration with Oracle Eloqua

Your marketing team has to do a lot of miscellaneous jobs daily, such as creating and editing tasks, tracking prospects, managing customer relationships, and providing customer support. This tiresome routine makes focusing on their priority tasks, like lead scoring, lead nurturing, and campaign reporting, really difficult. But there is a solution - building a bridge between two of the most powerful platforms, Oracle Eloqua and Salesforce. This integration allows your Marketing team marketers to concentrate more on their core focus areas.

Oracle Eloqua is an award-winning marketing automation software for businesses. It helps plan campaigns for their B2B clients. While Salesforce is the world's #1 customer relationship management (CRM) platform. It helps your marketing, sales, commerce, service, and IT teams work as one from anywhere, so you can keep your customers happy everywhere! Both have their unique features to add value to your business, but when you integrate them, an exceptionally powerful package is unleashed. Automating routine tasks is just one of the numerous advantages it offers. The rest are discussed below.

Also Read: Benefits of Salesforce AWS Integration

Benefits Of Salesforce Integration with Oracle Eloqua

1. Improved business intelligence

Integrating Salesforce with Eloqua gives you better insights into your marketing effectiveness, by measuring the performance of your campaigns in a more efficient manner, enabling you to enhance your business processes, paving way for better results.

Even though Salesforce can measure the performance of sales, it alone cannot measure the effectiveness of marketing performance on sales and vice versa. Which is catered to by Eloqua. The integration of Salesforce with Eloqua helps you analyze combined data of sales and marketing, in order to figure out what strategies are effective and which ones need to be improved for better results.

The Salesforce Eloqua integration will give you the much-required clarity, to detect achievements and errors in actions and work approaches. Siloed data or deceptive performance reports can be totally eliminated.

2. Consistent data for customized communications

This CRM and marketing automation platform integration saves you time in data management and prevents new data from getting out of place. You will no longer need to keep switching diverse data sets on the same financial records, contacts, and prospects, as the integration takes care of the data sharing, helping you maintain consistency across your teams and systems, while keeping your data organized, easier to track and faster to update.

This use of unified data also helps your sales personnel with customizing their communications with leads and prospects. They can also translate this data (from analyzing marketing lead patterns) into marketing reports in your Salesforce dashboard. Also, the data can be fetched from web browsers, email campaigns, and content downloads of your leads.

3. Instant information and notifications

Vendors who respond faster, gain more business opportunities. This is why companies need to facilitate their sales reps with instant customer and prospect information access, by integrating their ERP systems with the Salesforce platform. This integration evaluates your sales opportunities instantly and accurately. While intuitive dashboards and detailed marketing reports offer a detailed and thorough insight into your business performance.

4. Better lead generation

Your sales and marketing departments can be brought together with a unified account, courtesy of the integration, so everyone stays on the same page. Managers can also identify, prioritize, and track top-tier accounts across the company sales cycle, anytime, anywhere, Omni-device.

The integration defines which leads are more valuable, improving lead quality. So, you can simply use the data, to evaluate leads and ensure that only potential ones are forwarded to your sales teams.

This integration enhances the capabilities of your sales and marketing departments to drive better results, along with the following:

  • Allocation of qualified new leads in Salesforce
  • Tracking prospect actions
  • Segmentation of your marketing records
  • Creation of ROI reports for your campaigns

5. Detailed consumer info

The Salesforce Eloqua integration gathers information about consumers and their purchasing patterns to help your sales team determine ways of approaching and converting prospects into customers, (with more targeted and strategic communications with leads).

The integration gathers your potential customers' following data;

  • How visitors reach your website
  • Which pages do they visit most often
  • At what time is your site most visited
  • Time spent on a page
  • The volume of downloads, etc.

6. Empowered sales & marketing teams

The integration of this information with Salesforce enables you to help your sales team better understand how to relate to customers. Marketing automation systems like Oracle Eloqua provide a better understanding of precisely what customers want. These systems create a bridge between email marketing and a CRM like Salesforce. Salesforce stores the data of your leads and customers and provides you with important reports that help you make important decisions. Salesforce then, with its built-in integrations helps you streamline the various activities of your sales and marketing departments. Say, for example, your marketing team can conveniently use Salesforce Pardot and Marketing Cloud for handling marketing activities effortlessly.

Integrating Salesforce with Eloqua makes it easy to track lead, prospect, and customer data throughout the entire customer lifecycle, by your sales and marketing departments. You can even build, segment, and filter your audiences, by using their firmographic and behavioral data, to precisely target individuals having rich client profiles. It provides multiple benefits, like effortless access to data, enhanced communication, automated workflows, increased productivity, and so much more.

7. Increased efficiency in customer handling

Sales generation is tricky and when your customers lack clarity, the result is reduced business. Thus, you can easily avoid losing out, if you personalize your customers’ journey by integrating the CRM and marketing automation software. The combination minimizes confusion and increases clarity to help you deliver accurate and detailed information to your customers as and when required.

8. Better customer service

Retaining a customer is all about prompt customer service by your customer care executives and salespersons. So, when you integrate Eloqua with Salesforce, your executives are equipped to respond faster and better, increasing the quantity and quality of positive brand connections.

Why you should consider AppShark for your Salesforce Integration requirements?

With more than 10 years of experience working on 500 plus successful Salesforce projects, We understand how an integration like this is easier said than done. Being a Gold-certified Salesforce partner with a team of 100 plus certified experts we specializing in the implementation and integration of Salesforce and its various Clouds. Our Salesforce integration Services help businesses to connect Salesforce with critical systems like their ERP, Payment Gateways, and Databases.

AppShark gives clients the advantage to engage in flexible models as per their requirements. From giving end-to-end Managed Services to providing hard-to-find resources on hourly and block of hours basis, AppShark can help reduce the go-to time of Salesforce projects no matter how complex they are.

Would you like to have an in-depth discussion about how we can integrate and tailor Salesforce and Eloqua for your unique business needs? Contact us or mail us at