Published on
January 27, 2022

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Salesforce Authorize.Net Integration: The Complete Guide

Salesforce is the world’s #1 customer relationship management platform, that has been catering to several business enterprises, belonging to various scales of operation and industry sectors. Salesforce helps you manage your leads, chart out specific marketing campaigns and undertake effective communication with your current, as well as prospective customers. It is also highly customizable and comes with several tools and components dedicated to providing specific services to users, tailored as per their requirements. is a US-based payment gateway service provider, that allows merchants to accept card and electronic check payments, securely. It is now a subsidiary of Visa Inc.

Integrations are essential for every company. Though the reasons vary, the most common one is to marry the front-office web property to a back-office application. Salesforce’s customisability has made it possible to be integrated with a number of suitable third-party applications. This allows Salesforce users to avail benefits and services of both Salesforce as well as the application it integrates with. This ideal blend of services works wonders, while also relieving users from switching between platforms, thereby saving considerable time and energy.

Also Read: Salesforce ZoomInfo Integration - The Complete Guide

Integrating Salesforce with can open up a range of features and benefits for your company

1. Deliver Outstanding Customer Service

Self-service e-commerce applications don’t always work seamlessly with back-office data, pricing, and automation. This is when companies routinely lose orders, fail to upsell accounts, and frustrate and lose customers. If customers need to contact customer service frequently, seeking assistance with orders, or to get answers to simple questions, or manage issues with their accounts, the hidden and labor costs can be tremendous. These costs of staff intervention not only raise human capital costs but also hinder their important revenue-generating tasks.

This is where the Salesforce Authorize.Net integration comes into play. The integration speeds up order processing and helps customers access a wide range of information about their accounts, like order history, shipping options, etc. so placing complex orders gets easier. This fosters greater customer loyalty, along with business process automation to deliver outstanding customer service, consistently.

2. Obtain Useful Customer Insight

The integration will help you obtain a 360-degree view of your customers. You will be able to track an individual customer’s purchase history, along with the amount they spent buying your products on a periodic basis. You will also be able to ascertain details, like declined payments, refunds, accounts standing, scheduled orders, etc. pertaining to each of your customers. Being able to keep a track of all their payment-related activities, will help you figure out how loyal a particular customer is, and with this information, you can reward them with exclusive offers and discounts, creating a win-win situation for both of you.

3. Increased Automation and Accuracy

The integration automates the majority of the traditional manual methods of keeping track of payment processes, ultimately improving the accuracy with which they are processed and recorded. This effectively eliminates any scope for duplication.

For instance, as soon as a payment is made, the system would automatically link it to the concerned lead, contact, or account, also recording the transaction in the database in real-time, which facilitates the seamless transfer of funds, along with reducing the scope for human error. Similarly, all your business transactions are processed on your website seamlessly, with, and saved automatically to Salesforce. Each payment form is also associated with a campaign in Salesforce to facilitate easy reporting. Payments thus can be automatically matched with existing contacts or new ones can be created when required.

4. Leverage Intelligence Reports

The integration helps you easily bring in the data from your account, like accounts receivables, payment history, etc. to the Salesforce CRM, to make intuitive and responsive dashboards and user-friendly reports. This data is then used to provide you with a clear and detailed picture of the performance of your sales, along with relevant suggestions for improvement.

5. Top-Notch Security and Compliance

The Salesforce Authorize.Net integration covers you with all the security and compliance features that your business may require. This includes fraud detection and prevention, as well as features that ensure adherence to regulatory requirements and accounting standards. One of the most promising features of the integration is the ‘Advanced Fraud Detection Suite’. Which is a powerful, rules-based set of transaction filters and IP address tools, that are designed to help online merchants identify, manage and prevent fraudulent transactions.

Apart from that, your business also stays protected with a ‘Daily Velocity Filter’ at no charge. The filter allows you to specify a threshold for the number of transactions to be allowed in a day, which proves to be a useful tactic in identifying high-volume fraud attacks.

Make the Most of Your Salesforce - Authorize.Net Integration with AppShark

We are here to help you get the maximum out of your Salesforce integration. We are AppShark- a Gold Certified Salesforce Partner, specializing in the implementation and integration of Salesforce solutions. With more than 10 years of experience and 100 plus certified Salesforce experts, we give clients the advantage to engage in flexible models as per their requirements. From giving end-to-end Managed Services, to providing hard-to-find resources on hourly and block of hours basis, AppShark can help reduce the go-to time of Salesforce projects no matter how complex they are!

We would love to discuss your expectations, requirements, and business goals. Feel free to contact us, or mail us at