Published on
June 16, 2014

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Tablet 20: AppShark's FREE Geo-Location App

Every company needs a great sales team to promote its business and active mobile teams on the field are a crucial part of any sales team. However, it also important for the management to have complete visibility over the movement of the field sales agents throughout the business day to ensure better productivity.

AppShark’s Tablet 20

is a mobile tracking application that allows you to do just that. It is a geo-location app that is designed to help sales teams and managers track location data and account visits by field agents. Now you can 'see' if your agents are really meeting the clients at the scheduled times.

The application can be downloaded from the Android Play Store while the corresponding native app is available in Salesforce. The app uses GPS to locate and track the exact coordinates of the field agents and displays them via Google Maps on the app and through a simple and easy to use interface in Salesforce.

Since the route map is drawn based on latitude-longitude points on Google maps, the app can be used to pinpoint the exact location of a user. Additionally, it also allows the user to see the duration of account visits and other user accounts on that route. Users may however suspend tracking during non-business hours, weekends and vacations.

The data is stored in the user’s Salesforce account as the app is synced with Salesforce during the initial installation phase when the user has to log in with his/her Salesforce credentials. The user can also change the settings by deciding how much data has to be uploaded to Salesforce and the upload interval.

If you want to stay updated on the movements and schedules of your field agents, check out our FREE TABLET 20 app on AppExchange and on the Android Play Store