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October 7, 2021

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Complete Guide To Salesforce Marketing Cloud Social Studio

What is Salesforce Marketing Cloud's Social Studio?

Social Studio is a product under the Salesforce Marketing Cloud solution, which deals with effective marketing solutions via social media. It leverages the power of social media to connect your marketing, sales, and service teams with your customers, through social channels, to build meaningful relationships.

Also Read: Drive Success with Marketing Cloud Content Builder

How does Marketing Cloud Social Studio help content marketers?

In a nutshell, content marketers can use the application to plan, organize and publish social content, engage with customers in communities, test different types of content, and figure out the best-performing ones by analyzing how each is performing, either in the past or in real-time.

You can analyze customers’ and prospects’ say of your business, analyze their sentiments and track where all the customer conversations are happening and comment, review, and follow-up with what customers are posting on their preferred social media channels. They may choose to take action immediately, set the status for each post, assign priorities and allot members who can track, and add labels so it becomes easy to search later.

Also, adding content on various social media channels is a smooth process with integrated partner apps.

Which social media channels does Social Studio support?

Salesforce Social Studio supports all the popular social media channels on the planet. Here's the list;

  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Sina Weibo
  • YouTube
  • Google My Business
  • Facebook
  • Instagram Business
  • Pinterest

What are the main areas of the Social Studio interface?

The three major areas of Marketing Cloud Social Studio are as follows:

The Workspace Tab - Used to create and configure workspaces, to quickly organize teams by brand, region or business function, for promoting collaboration for content creation, publishing, campaigns, etc.

The Performance Tab - Used to see content performance reports. You can see a summary over the past week, by social network type or see customizable post reports by all or specific post types.

Page Assist - Used to help users navigate around Social Studio and provide context-sensitive help on what they are doing in real-time.

What are the major Social Studio components?

The primary components of Social Studio consist of:

Publish – Helps you create and publish content, at scale, across channels, and in near real-time.

Engage – Allows managers to moderate and join conversations that were started with content created using 'Publish'. With controls for classification and workflow, 'Engage' can manage any scale of social engagement, enabling more complex cases such as customer service, lead generation, etc.

Analyze – Enables discussion monitoring from owned social accounts and broader social news and lets you create custom dashboards, to monitor multiple social accounts and topic profiles.

What are the features and benefits of Social Studio?


1. Be aware of conversations outside your own social accounts with 'Topic Profiles'

Salesforce Marketing Cloud's Social Studio provides you with a feature called 'Topic Profiles'. With the help of which you can be aware of conversations and reach further than your own social accounts. You get notified whenever someone tags you in a conversation or sends you a direct message.

Wondering about all the posts or conversations where your brand is mentioned, but you aren’t tagged or tagged incorrectly? Or conversations happening in and around your industry, that you want to be aware of, to engage with? Topic Profiles is your one-stop solution, which is a social media search tool, where you can define any keyword of your interest. Once set, Social Studio fetches related conversations on social media sites and even other collaterals, like blogs, forums, reviews, and so on!

You can also watch for fresh topics and trends, so your marketing activities are always at par with the social world.

2. Fine-tune searches with 'Source Groups'

Exclude competitor conversations, in case you do not want to join them or only want to listen in on their efforts. This feature can be achieved by using 'Source Groups', which works really well with Topic Profiles, complimenting and fine-tuning searches so you can use them just the way you want. Preferably, to have a special listening ear for your brand advocates, by having a specific source group for them, keeping the engagement levels high. Every source group has a specific source group format.

3. Leverage a Content Management System with 'Inline Image Editor' to enhance your content

Connect to a content system to insert stock photos, media, trending conversations, or any other approved content while crafting posts and campaigns. And enhance your image content for social channels directly in Social Studio, by using multiple filters and effects, using 'Inline Image Editor' or add hashtags for a specific call to action.

4. Multiple actions with the click of a single button with 'Macros'

‘Macros’ enables you to create a button for users, so when they click on it, multiple actions are performed in the background. Say, for example, assigning a post to the running user with the post's status getting updated as ‘in progress, simultaneously. You can run macros to complete repetitive tasks like influencer identification, possible sales leads, customer service follow-ups, etc. on autopilot.

5. Tag and categorize smartly using 'Labels'

Social Studio comes with a simple and flexible tagging system called 'Labels', which are of two kinds: Post Label & Author Label.

Post Labels are used to categorize or tag specific posts based on your company's needs. If a post label is used in unison with a Topic Profile, it can mark any competitor post with a "Competitor" post label and your own company posts as "Own Posts". While Author Labels provide context for community management teams.

6. Determine your post's sentiment, using the 'Sentiment Model'

The sentiment of a single post or the overall sentiment towards your social accounts and the topic profiles you created, can be determined by the 'Sentiment Model' with a score out of three options: positive, neutral, or negative.

This unique feature is an out-of-the-box algorithm; however, you can enhance and tweak the model, and also amend the sentiment on a post-by-post basis as and when required.

7. Measure your campaign’s performance with detailed, customizable reports

Gain relevant feedback across your marketing, service, and sales campaigns, using thorough reports and dashboard templates to evaluate various campaign results.

You can also generate reports based on various parameters, including content performance by social account, workspace, or across all workspaces in the Social Studio organization. You may also create post reports for social accounts or topic profiles and customize the metrics to pull data for a specified date range. The post reports can be set to run on a schedule or for a specified period. You can even have Social Studio deliver your reports on specific dates and times!

How Can AppShark Help With Your Salesforce Marketing Cloud Implementation?

We at AppShark, understand the functionalities of Salesforce Marketing Cloud given our experience in Implementing the Cloud for industries from various domains.  hence, we are happy to do it for you. With more than 10 years of experience working with 500 successful Salesforce projects and 100 plus certified Salesforce experts, we give clients the unique advantage to engage in flexible models as per their requirements.

From giving end-to-end Managed Services to providing hard-to-find resources on an hourly and block-of-hours basis, AppShark can help reduce the go-to time of Salesforce projects no matter how complex they are.

Let's have an in-depth discussion about how we can implement and tailor Salesforce Marketing Cloud Social to streamline Marketing Activities and drive your business's ROI.

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