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July 1, 2020

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What Do The Salesforce Lightning Low Coding Features Mean For Your Business?

In 2018, Salesforce launched Low-Code Tools on the Lightning Platform to facilitate faster app development. The idea behind launching low code tools was to narrow the gap between demand and delivery for apps. Last month, the company previewed Dynamic Forms and Dynamic Actions, two low-code form-building features set to debut in Summer '20. In this article, we’ll take a look at how businesses are benefiting from Salesforce Lightning Low Code Features.

What is Low Code App Development?

Low-code app development (LCAP) has blossomed into a real DIY trend in the last couple of years. Low code is a visual drag-and-drop approach to app development. It’s about beginning with a basic app framework and customizing it as per a company’s specific needs without having to code and ask for a developer’s assistance.

Some businesses are completely turning to low code app development to speed up their app needs. According to Forrester Research, in 2019, 37% of software developers in Forrester’s worldwide survey were using or planning to use low-code tools. By mid-2020, the survey predicts the number to rise to over 50% of developers. According to Gartner, low-code app development will be responsible for over 65% of app development activity by 2024.

Salesforce Lightning Low Code Platform

Salesforce was named a leader in the 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Low Code Application Platforms. The Salesforce Lightning Platform is an app development platform that helps with building apps faster and easier. The platform provides tools that make it possible for anyone to create powerful apps. Building an app with the Lightning platform is easy. You can quickly select the layout, then just drag and drop the required components to the page. Once ready, you can then push it to the Salesforce 1 app container.

The tools App Builder, Lightning Flow, SalesforceDX and Heroku, make app development faster at every stage of the process - from designing, testing, publishing, and managing. The platform enables businesses to leverage and embed emerging technologies like Einstein and IoT into their apps. It also has built-in governance controls and security with ALM, Sandboxes, scratch orgs, sharing rules, etc.

Salesforce Lightning Low Code Feature Benefits

  • Faster App Development: Salesforce Lightning low code platform makes it easy for non-technical employees to build an app. This allows businesses to reduce the time associated with app development cycles by not requiring app developers for building every app.
  • Better Resource Management: With the Lightning platform, companies now don’t need to send every new app development request to IT teams. Instead, all departments can develop their own applications, freeing up IT to focus on tasks that require higher technology expertise.
  • Cost Optimization: Businesses can now better utilize the skill sets of app developers. They can work with a small team as the majority of app development tasks can now be done by non-technical people. This helps businesses save on salaries and drive more value from the IT team.
  • Better Customer Engagement & Experience: Salesforce Lightning makes app development faster and less expensive. This allows businesses to quickly roll out more customer-centric apps to enhance the customer experience. They can also build more specific apps. Also, businesses can now quickly upgrade their apps to meet changing customer preferences.
  • Rapid Digital Transformation: As app development becomes faster and easier, it allows companies to accelerate their digital transformation journeys by building powerful apps quickly. By embedding new technologies like IoT, AI and Robotics these apps can fuel digital innovation in an organization.

Low code app development is the future. As businesses go digital, there will be more demand for apps and software. It’s not hard to imagine why businesses are turning to LCAP to develop enterprise applications. As companies face stiffer competition and increasing demand for better experiences, app development teams are under pressure. Salesforce Lightning with its rich features and ease of use can help businesses in building powerful apps.

As a Gold Consulting Partner, AppShark has assisted many businesses in leveraging Salesforce to drive customer experience, revenue, and innovation. If you’re thinking of building enterprise apps or are looking to leverage Salesforce solutions to address your business challenges you can contact us here.