Published on
May 19, 2020

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5 Questions To Ask A Custom Software Development Company

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is having a significant impact on businesses and is compelling them to reassess their priorities and plans. While the exact impact of this global pandemic and the future response to it is anybody’s guess, one thing is clear- there will be a renewed focus on digitalization and automation. Businesses will build new software that helps them optimize productivity with less staff, collaborate remotely, and digitalize their offerings.

As speed becomes essence in these troubled times, businesses will look for software development outsourcing partners that can help build quality software quickly and at a lesser cost. A software development outsourcing partner brings many key advantages to the table. But finding the right software outsourcing provider is important as choosing a wrong one, at this point in time, can be a huge risk.

There are a set of common questions you ask while choosing a business partner. These questions are normally around the company’s experience, capability, and credibility. However, amidst this health and economic crisis, when the business is not as usual, you would need to check on a few more things.

5 important questions you must ask your software development company:

  1. What is your technical expertise?
  2. What is your software development process?
  3. Where will your development team be located?
  4. How will you help me post-delivery?
  5. Do you have a backup strategy in place?

1. What is your technical expertise?

The question assumes more significance in these challenging times as you get into solving your immediate business problems but are also looking for something that would give you long-term benefits. You would like to work with a company that has authority and capabilities in new technologies like Robotic Process Automation and data science, etc. A company with experience in new technologies will help you widen the scope of innovation in your project and enhance the capabilities of the software you intend to build.

2. What is your software development process?

Ask your prospective software development partner on what their development process is. You would want to work with a company that not only delivers you fast but at the minimal risk of failure. In normal times, there are lots of meetings and discussions before kicking off the project. But, now, there will be restrictions on travel and a lot of people will be working from home. Check how the company approaches a project and how they plan to do it now.

3. Where will your development team be located?

A software development company normally works on 3 models- onshore (located in your region), offshore (located outside your region), and nearshore (located close to your region). Software development outsourcing has matured a lot to accommodate the difference in cultures and time zones. However, in the current scenario where things are not certain, you would want to keep your options open and work with a company that works on all 3 delivery models so that if a need arise you can switch from one to another.

4. How will you help me post-delivery?

All software projects require post-delivery support. You would need this more in the present uncertain times when you would require quick fixes to bugs, training for your staff, and other ongoing maintenance. Check if your prospective development partner is equipped to help you with post-delivery support and how they plan to do it in the new order.

5. Do you have a backup strategy in place?

What if there’s a second wave of coronavirus as warned by some experts? What is the backup plan? Normally software development processes of established providers are capable of accommodating changes in the project requirements and client’s goals but there may be a few things which we all would be experiencing for the first time. So, what would happen in such a case? Check with your prospective partner on how flexible they can be and what’s their strategy to accommodate new changes?

Hiring the right software development outsourcing company can fast track normalcy in your business operations as well as provide you with a competitive advantage. At AppShark, we are tracking the new changes in the business world and building new capabilities to help companies tide over the current crisis. You can visit our page to know more about our Software Development expertise.

If you have a software project in mind or are looking for expert solutions to your most pressing problems, please connect with us at and we’ll schedule a call with one of our experts at the earliest.