Published on
October 19, 2016

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How Smart Does Your CRM Have to Be?

On October 5th of this year,

Salesforce CEO, Marc Benioff introduced “Einstein” to the world.

For most of us we thought we knew who Einstein was. E=mc2. Right?

Well according to Mr. Benioff – “Einstein” is really Artificial Intelligence inside the Salesforce CRM that will help a business become more efficient, productive and profitable. It will help out sales, customer service, operations, finance, marketing, etc.

So how smart does your CRM have to be? Depends on what your business goals are. Want to just repeat last year’s performance? Or do you want to set records? In today’s extremely fast paced – social media driven world if you are not using all the tools available – your competition will pass you by.

I have written before about how customers are so quick to move on if they feel their current vendor is not meeting their needs. We are no longer dealing with customers who have the patience to wait till we get it right. Too many choices are available and each of your competitors is looking to make their move up the ladder of success.

So that is why “Einstein” is such a bold enhancement to Salesforce. When you combine all the bits of data you have on your customers and prospects that allows “Einstein” to explore how that data can create opportunities for new sales, develop specific marketing campaigns and create an extraordinary customer experience for your customers.

It learns from all your data — CRM data, email, calendar, social, ERP, and IoT — and delivers predictions and recommendations in context of what you’re trying to do. In some cases, it even automates tasks for you. So you can make smarter decisions with confidence and focus more attention on your customers at every touchpoint.

Einstein is an integrated set of technologies that brings AI to everyone in your business — and it couldn’t be simpler. All Einstein-enabled features in the Customer Success Platform automatically use your Salesforce data to serve customers better. You don’t have to prep data or manage models. And every Einstein feature informs the others, so your CRM is constantly growing smarter across sales, service, marketing, and IT.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a massive change in technology. Bringing it into a CRM is going to cause massive changes in how we look at CRM’s. You could call it a “paradigm shift” or “disruption” or I could just stick with “massive change.” What I am trying to say is, AI is a big deal. And just like the arrival of the personal computer, cloud computing, and the mobile smartphone, AI is going to fundamentally change the way things work, forever.

So imagine if you will – your CRM has “Einstein” and you come into work on a Monday morning and turn on your computer and before you on the screen sits a dashboard. It shows you the past – the present – and the future of your business. You now have specific and concrete methods to move your business in the right direction. Eliminate costly mistakes. Save time. Increase sales. Create the Perfect Customer Experience.

If you have Salesforce already then we can work with you to make sure you fully understand how to make “Einstein” work for you. If you do not and wish to see how “Einstein” can make a difference for you we can schedule a demo. Feel free to email me at for a free consulting session!