Published on
November 13, 2019

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Driving High Customer Engagement With Salesforce

A few years back, customer engagement and experience meant attracting customers with great deals, ensuring a smooth path-to-purchase and converting them at the earliest. An occasional email with coupon offers and birthday/holiday greetings would suffice. Today, in the digital, omnichannel world, customer engagement is completely being redefined.

“54% of customers think companies need to fundamentally transform how they engage.”  

Salesforce Research

As a Marketer, there’s a big job ahead of you. While the marketing mantra of ‘right message, right place, right time’ still holds true, the customer journey today is a lot more complicated with multiple touchpoints, buyers expecting quick results and the real-time gameplay. You need to cut through the noise and create engaging, personal experiences that emotionally connects with your customers. And help you gain their trust and loyalty.

Salesforce can be an ideal partner in your quest to enhance customer engagement of your brand or business. Here are 5 ways Salesforce products can help you delight your customers and engage with them at an emotional level

Salesforce Customer 360 for compete view of your customer

Today’s customers demand an integrated customer engagement across channels. Businesses need to integrate well and coordinate their internal processes and workflows to deliver a connected experience across channels. And it starts with customer data. Siloed information sitting on databases needs to be liberated, stored in a single place and be available for all departments- Sales, Marketing and Customer Support, etc.

Salesforce Customer 360 helps you store all your customer data at once place to provide a unified customer profile that can be accessed and used across processes and departments in your organization. Customer 360 creates a unified customer ID that allows companies to easily connect customer data across various Salesforce apps. The ID enables getting deeper insights and stronger engagement across the customer journey.

Salesforce Einstein for actionable insights

“62% of customers are open to the use of AI to improve their experiences — up from 59% in 2018.”


Stronger customer engagement requires predicting user behavior and catering to it. Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven Salesforce Einstein Analytics can help you harness your customer data and extract meaningful insights from it. With Einstein, you can deliver personalized recommendations to your customers, improve your lead-to-conversion ratio by identifying client needs better and creating detailed buyer personas to get a 360-degree view of your customers. It can also help create dashboards that can help you monitor customer activities to the smallest detail.

Marketing Cloud for personalized communications and effective customer journeys

Customer engagement cannot be done in isolation. It needs to be integrated with the customer experience and customer journeys. Salesforce Marketing Cloud is highly effective in creating a seamless experience across customer touchpoints. With Marketing Cloud, you can create 1-to-1 customer journeys, deliver personalized messages and reengage them with precision advertising. It also allows you to publish, listen and engage with your customers on social media. It empowers your business with the ability to visualize, monitor, and manage real-time customer experiences.

Community Cloud to build vibrant customer communities

Brands today need to build a community of loyal customers who are constantly engaging with it. Salesforce Community Cloud is a customizable and scalable solution to build your business-specific community engagement platform. With the community cloud, you can build a help center to help your customers get answers to their issues or create a knowledge base with articles, videos, and other content to help your customers get information on your products. You can also create your own unique platform with the Lightning Community Builder. Community Cloud also helps you drive engagement with rewards programs- badges, personal scores, and a public leader board to highlight top members.

Salesforce Lightning for ‘There’s an app for that’

In the mobile-first world, apps have become a must-have customer touchpoint. Salesforce Lightning platform helps you build powerful apps in no time without coding. The Lightning Design System ensures that you offer the best app experience to your users with a set of components, UX/UI design interfaces, and plug-n-play functionalities. So, build apps for your customers and help them engage with your brand on-the-go.

Salesforce offers you a suite of platforms that can be the building blocks to your customer engagement process. You would need an experienced Salesforce partner with strong experience and expertise over Salesforce products to create personalized customer engagements that delight your customers. If you’d like to have a Salesforce partner help your organization in building a customer engagement process or with any Salesforce products, please email